I am getting this bad message format error when I click on button which calls this function. What could be the issue?
def records(data):
with tab_ribbon[1]:
st.subheader(f":blue[{keyword}] : {len(data)} :eyes:", divider='rainbow')
count = 1
for row in data.values:
uid = row[0]
converted = row[5]
keywords = row[6]
closing = row[7]
with st.container(border=True):
top_row = st.columns(6)
top_row[1].markdown(f":blue[**Id:**] {uid}")
with st.container():
st.markdown(f":blue[**Converted:**] {converted}")
with st.container():
st.markdown(f":blue[**Keywords:**] {keywords}")
with st.container():
st.markdown(f":blue[**Closing**] {closing}")
st.button(f"{key} : {val}",key=counter, on_click=records, kwargs={"data":data}, use_container_width=True)