My use-case is about having a selectbox with a set of possible option that get populated dynamically via an API call. The default value should empty/None
Upon selecting a value from the dropdown; another API call will fetch some content and have that rendered as a markdown. The markdown gets updated without a full page refresh everytime a new value is selected
My selectbox gets rendered with:
def _render_main(self):
self.card = st.selectbox('', list(self.pages.keys()), on_change=self.get_notion_page, placeholder="Select a Card")
st.markdown(st.session_state.markdown, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# for debugging only
The on_change function is:
def get_notion_page(self):
st.session_state.markdown = StringExporter(block_id=self.pages[self.card]["id"]).export()
This is the only way I managed to get this working but with problems:
- On the first load of the page I get the error:
st.session_state has no attribute “markdown”. Did you forget to initialize it?
- The markdown does not get updated on first selection; I either have to select it again or if I select another element I will always get the value of the previous selection rendered
- If I try to initialise the session_state variable then I will not get the first error message but then on_change does not seem to change the value at all and it will be always the initial value
Appreciate your help!