Server error [A10]: Unable to create app

I am using streamlit sharing. I can not create a new app. The error message is “Server error [A10]: Unable to create app”.

The Github repo is in the link GitHub - Danielmoraisg/internship_study: streamlit app to help study for pharmacy internship

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

I ran into the exact same issue today. I had previously been able to deploy and share successfully, but its failing today.

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Was it working locally? Is this the first time you are deploying it or is it an update?

Yea, mine worked locally just fine. And then it didn’t work with both a new repo and a repo that I had previously shared successfully.

Yes, It was working locally and it is the first time I’m deploying this one

Thanks for reporting, I sent this to our engineering group to take a look at


your requirements.txt looks okay as well. @aaroncolesmith says

I had previously been able to deploy and share successfully, but its failing today.

And I saw someone else reporting this issue, so maybe it’s something related to streamlit.

We were able to root cause and resolve this issue on our end. Could you please try again? Please let us know if it still does not work for you.


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It worked! thank you

@amey-st I’m afraid I’m receiving this error too. I had the app running correctly for months in Streamlit sharing platform but now it fails to create the app.

The error is the one being referred in this thread: Server error [A10]: Unable to create app
The GitHub repo is COVID Dashboard

Do you know what could be happening here?

Hey @amey-st, I am facing a similar issue. I deployed it a few months ago and now it is not working. My GitHub repo: GitHub - abhi7585/handwritten-digit-classification-streamlit: Handwritten digit classification web app using Streamlit

Unfortunately, same here for this repo GitHub - a-slice-of-py/mastermind.

Hey @sis, it is working now for me. There was some issue from Streamlit end. Kindly try again.

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I succeeded in deploying the app again, thanks for the notice @abhi7585


I am getting the same error while deploying the application, although I noticed that my file is within some folders. But even after giving the right path to it, it is not able to deploy the app.

Server error[A10]: Unable to create app. My repository: GitHub - Lorandoff/Project3, branch: main, main file path: Project3 (2).py, please help me)

i got this same error today but i don’t know what do with Server error [A10]: Unable to create app

Dear Streamlit team,
I am facing the same error.
‘Server error [A10]: Unable to create app’

link to github repo.

Kindly check the error and please fix it asap. Thank you

same problem iam facing also
Server error [A10]: Unable to create app
this ios the error
my github GitHub - uzairsiyal/cep-project-dsa-

My app has been running for a month or so without issue. I updated it and now I am getting <Server error [A10]: Unable to create app> when I try to deploy. What do I do?