we are actually working on a student project for analyzing a soccer game.
We are working with the Matplotlib library, FuncAnimation.
I am creating an animation which I want to show in Streamlit.
The problem is, my Animation is too large and for showing 60s of the animation
I have to wait ca. 15s to show.
Is there a way to produce the animation and showing in an async way.
As I understand it, the animation is first completely built and then shown in the streamlit app.
While loading the following msg is shown:
Animation.save using <class ‘matplotlib.animation.HTMLWriter’>
Is there a way to increase the speed for loading?
Like buffering the video somehow?
I would appreciate your help a lot!!!
Thanks in advance!
Here is a coding example:
This example shows how to animate tracking data from
`metricasports <https://github.com/metrica-sports/sample-data>`_.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import animation
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
from mplsoccer import Pitch
# Load the data
# load away data
LINK1 = ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metrica-sports/sample-data/master/'
df_away = pd.read_csv(LINK1, skiprows=2)
df_away.sort_values('Time [s]', inplace=True)
# load home data
LINK2 = ('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metrica-sports/sample-data/master/'
df_home = pd.read_csv(LINK2, skiprows=2)
df_home.sort_values('Time [s]', inplace=True)
# Reset the column names
# column names aren't great so this sets the player ones with _x and _y suffixes
def set_col_names(df):
""" Renames the columns to have x and y suffixes."""
cols = list(np.repeat(df.columns[3::2], 2))
cols = [col+'_x' if i % 2 == 0 else col+'_y' for i, col in enumerate(cols)]
cols = np.concatenate([df.columns[:3], cols])
df.columns = cols
# Subset 2 seconds of data
# get a subset of the data (10 seconds)
df_away = df_away[(df_away['Time [s]'] >= 815) & (df_away['Time [s]'] < 825)].copy()
df_home = df_home[(df_home['Time [s]'] >= 815) & (df_home['Time [s]'] < 825)].copy()
# Split off the ball data, and drop the ball columns from the df_away/ df_home dataframes
# split off a df_ball dataframe and drop the ball columns from the player dataframes
df_ball = df_away[['Period', 'Frame', 'Time [s]', 'Ball_x', 'Ball_y']].copy()
df_home.drop(['Ball_x', 'Ball_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df_away.drop(['Ball_x', 'Ball_y'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df_ball.rename({'Ball_x': 'x', 'Ball_y': 'y'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
# Convert to long form. So each row is a single player's coordinates for a single frame
# convert to long form from wide form
def to_long_form(df):
""" Pivots a dataframe from wide-form (each player as a separate column) to long form (rows)"""
df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=df.columns[:3], value_vars=df.columns[3:], var_name='player')
df.loc[df.player.str.contains('_x'), 'coordinate'] = 'x'
df.loc[df.player.str.contains('_y'), 'coordinate'] = 'y'
df = df.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
df['player'] = df.player.str[6:-2]
df = (df.set_index(['Period', 'Frame', 'Time [s]', 'player', 'coordinate'])['value']
.rename_axis(None, axis=1))
return df
df_away = to_long_form(df_away)
df_home = to_long_form(df_home)
# Show the away data
# Show the home data
# Show the ball data
# Plot the animation
# First set up the figure, the axis
pitch = Pitch(pitch_type='metricasports', goal_type='line', pitch_width=68, pitch_length=105)
fig, ax = pitch.draw(figsize=(16, 10.4))
# then setup the pitch plot markers we want to animate
marker_kwargs = {'marker': 'o', 'markeredgecolor': 'black', 'linestyle': 'None'}
ball, = ax.plot([], [], ms=6, markerfacecolor='w', zorder=3, **marker_kwargs)
away, = ax.plot([], [], ms=10, markerfacecolor='#b94b75', **marker_kwargs) # red/maroon
home, = ax.plot([], [], ms=10, markerfacecolor='#7f63b8', **marker_kwargs) # purple
# animation function
def animate(i):
""" Function to animate the data. Each frame it sets the data for the players and the ball."""
# set the ball data with the x and y positions for the ith frame
ball.set_data(df_ball.iloc[i, 3], df_ball.iloc[i, 4])
# get the frame id for the ith frame
frame = df_ball.iloc[i, 1]
# set the player data using the frame id
away.set_data(df_away.loc[df_away.Frame == frame, 'x'],
df_away.loc[df_away.Frame == frame, 'y'])
home.set_data(df_home.loc[df_home.Frame == frame, 'x'],
df_home.loc[df_home.Frame == frame, 'y'])
return ball, away, home
# call the animator, animate so 25 frames per second
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(df_ball), interval=50, blit=True)
components.html(anim.to_jshtml(), width=1600, height=1040)