Sidebar Logo Greyed Out After Version 1.36.0

In my requirements.txt file I was using:


I noticed that a week ago, my sidebar was greyed out and when I clicked it, it wouldn’t do anything. I checked all my commits thinking some of my changes in markdown caused the change, but to no avail. Then, I finally figured out that the issue was a later version of streamlit. So, I switched my import to:


and the sidebar worked again.

I then tried >=1.36 and ==1.38, but I had the same problem. I looked in the release notes for these later releases and did not see anything that suggests that the sidebar icon somehow got changed. Does anyone know of any reason why the sidebar would change in releases after 1.36.0?

Hey @Rasputin, I am not able to reproduce this in 1.38.0 with my sample app. Could you perhaps share a snippet where you see this happening?

Hi profuse apologies for the delay. I got sidetracked on something else. Based on testing, it seems pretty clear that versions after 1.36.0 don’t allow the sidebar + a horizontal navbar. I tried moving to version 1.37 and 1.38 and the carat gets greyed out, but then I move back to 1.36 and it doesn’t get greyed out. Here is a picture. When I use anything after 1.36, the right pointing arrow in upper left gets greyed out:

This ONLY happens if you are using the horizontal navbar. If I delete the horizontal navbar then there’s no issue. There is also a logo there, but I whited out most of it so you can’t see it.