St.graphviz_chart not rendering since Streamlit 1.40.1 upgrade

I just upgraded my Streamlit package to 1.40.1 and since then my st.graphviz_chart isn’t rendering in my app… Worked fine with prior versions.

I have isolated the issue to the use_container_width parameter. If you include this parameter, the graph isn’t rendered, but it does without.
Anyone else having this issue?

Yes, I could replicate this issue.

import streamlit as st
import graphviz
from importlib.metadata import version

STREAMLIT_VERSION = version("streamlit")

g = graphviz.Digraph()
g.graph_attr["rankdir"] = "LR"  # <-- Left to right order
## Add nodes and edges
for i in range(4):
    g.node(str(i), label=f"Node {i}", pos=f"{i}, -{i}!")

    if i < 3:
        g.edge(f"{i}", f"{i+1}")

f"**Streamlit version: {STREAMLIT_VERSION}**"
with st.echo():
    st.graphviz_chart(g, use_container_width=True)

with st.echo():


Just opened the issue at `st.graphviz_chart` does not render graph when `use_container_width` is True · Issue #9866 · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub linking to this discussion.