St.multiselect autocomplete/match not working for numerical values?

Hi there, :wave:

I was wondering if anyone has tried to enter partial data in the multiselect box and have the options narrowed down for you? What I noticed is while non-numerical character matching works extremely well, the number matching seems a bit off.

Sample code:

fruit_type = sorted(
df[“fruit_category”].unique(), key=get_type_no)

selected_fruit_type = st.multiselect(
“Select Fruit Selection”, options=fruit_type)

Input example:

fruit_type = [‘apple-4’, ‘apple-17’, ‘apple-78’, ‘orange-175’, ‘orange-176’]

If I were to enter ‘a’ in the multiselect box, only [‘apple-4’, ‘apple-17’, ‘apple-78’] show up. Entering ‘le’ yields the same which is great. However, ‘4’ yields the entire option set [‘apple-4’, ‘apple-17’, ‘apple-78’, ‘orange-175’, ‘orange-176’] and I would expect 17, 78, 175 and 176 to be excluded.

Could anyone see what needs to be done for the autocomplete to work right for the numeral values? Thank you!