An argument “placeholder” seems to be updated new via ver.1.2.0.
even though the current version 1.2.0 of streamlit is in my labtop,
st.text_input & st.text_area doesn’t get that argument.
is there anything else I can do?
the function of argument “value” in st.text_input and st.text_area is equal to “placeholder”
st.text_input(label, value="placeholder information put here", max_chars=None, key=None, type="default", help=None, autocomplete=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, placeholder=None)
st.text_area(label, value="placeholder information put here", height=None, max_chars=None, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, placeholder=None)
I’ve already solved this problem. Thanks.
But, both of them are different.
“value” : kind of default message
“placeholder” : disappearing message when I write like guideline.
plus, they are incompatible
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