Hi guys ,
I have seen this code in a post
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import SessionState
# https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tvst/036da038ab3e999a64497f42de966a92/raw/f0db274dd4d295ee173b4d52939be5ad55ae058d/SessionState.py
# Create an empty dataframe
data = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Random"])
st.text("Original dataframe")
# with every interaction, the script runs from top to bottom
# resulting in the empty dataframe
# persist state of dataframe
session_state = SessionState.get(df=data)
# random value to append; could be a num_input widget if you want
random_value = np.random.randn()
if st.button("Append random value"):
# update dataframe state
session_state.df = session_state.df.append({'Random': random_value}, ignore_index=True)
st.text("Updated dataframe")
# still empty as state is not persisted
st.text("Original dataframe")
I would like to know if I have had multiple columns apart “Random” , how would I have dealed with this line
session_state.df = session_state.df.append({'Random': random_value}, ignore_index=True)
taking into account all columns : example “col1” and “col2”
Thanks for your help