Hi all.
I’ve currently got some tabs I would wish to show alternative graphics within, specifically some plotly plots. I’ve made the tabs so that the names are:
default_tab, distribution_tab = st.tabs(["Historical Comparison - Violin", "Historical Comparison - Distribution"])
With this in mind, I am trying to make in the “Historical Comparison - Distribution” tab, some plotly plots like this:
with distribution_tab:
if analysis_option == "Manual":
efa_option = st.selectbox(
"Please select the efa block you wish to view",
complementary_option = st.selectbox(
"Please select the complementary plot with the distribution",
("rug", "box", "violin"),
f"EFA {efa_option} Distribution"
efa_input_dat = df_input["Clearing Price"][df_input["EFA"] == efa_option].to_frame()
efa_input_dat['type'] = 'Filtered'
efa_default_dat = df_default["Clearing Price"][df_default["EFA"] == efa_option].to_frame()
efa_default_dat['type'] = 'Total'
total_df = pd.concat([efa_input_dat, efa_default_dat])
fig = px.histogram(total_df, x="Clearing Price", color="type", marginal=complementary_option)
Now, within this tab I can get the data I want fine, but whenever I try to change the value of efa_option selectbox it switches back to the “Historical Comparison - Violin” tab.
I was wondering whether there was a wat to prevent this automatic tab reversal?
Thanks in advance!