Streamlit App not visible on 'My apps' tab but present in profile tab

Hello community,

I have just one application on my account, it’s been deployed and running for months now, but I suddenly cannot find it on the apps list page where I can manage access and view analytics. But I know it’s still running.

I have read another similar case and have already followed prescribed steps to rectify but its still not showing

Here is the link to the app, PTSP Status Checker · Streamlit ( but you won’t be able to view it as it private, and making it publicly accessible is currently not possible due to the same reason

You don’t see this app in your “My apps” page cause
it is owned by “daniel-de-itex” GitHub user while you have connected your account to “dataengitex” GitHub account. So “dataengitex” probably doesn’t have admin permission to the source repository which is necessary.

You see that app in My profile page correctly cause you are still using the same account.

By the way, the app that you’ve provided is public.

Hello Grzegorz,

Yes, the problem still persists. Earlier today I deployed an identical app with a similar name - itex-ptsp-status-checker-backup - To see if it would be displayed on the app tab(That was the one that was public). Perhaps that’s what you saw, I have now deleted that one. The original app is still not visible but running

This is odd, the daniel-de-itex also only has view-only access, none of the accounts have administrative control over the application.

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