Streamlit Cloud oven loop

Hi everyone,

Having a recent issue with an application of mine where it seems to be stuck in an endless loop of starting up repositories and then cloning them. The number of times it’s attempted this exceed the number of commits I have for this repo. Shown below is an excerpt from the logs:

[13:48:16] :desktop_computer: Provisioning machine…
[13:48:22] :control_knobs: Preparing system…
[13:48:27] :chains: Spinning up manager process…
[13:48:17] :rocket: Starting up repository: ‘green-bonds-web-application’, branch: ‘main’, main module: ‘’
[13:48:17] :octopus: Cloning repository…
[13:48:26] :octopus: Cloning into ‘/app/green-bonds-web-application’…
Filtering content: 100% (7/7), 417.39 MiB | 52.73 MiB/s, done.
[13:48:26] :octopus: Cloned repository!
[13:48:26] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[13:48:39] :rocket: Starting up repository: ‘green-bonds-web-application’, branch: ‘main’, main module: ‘’
[13:48:39] :octopus: Cloning repository…
[13:48:48] :octopus: Cloning into ‘/app/green-bonds-web-application’…
Filtering content: 100% (7/7), 417.39 MiB | 49.83 MiB/s, done.
[13:48:48] :octopus: Cloned repository!
[13:48:48] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[13:49:21] :rocket: Starting up repository: ‘green-bonds-web-application’, branch: ‘main’, main module: ‘’
[13:49:21] :octopus: Cloning repository…
[13:49:31] :octopus: Cloning into ‘/app/green-bonds-web-application’…
Filtering content: 100% (7/7), 417.39 MiB | 47.85 MiB/s, done.
[13:49:31] :octopus: Cloned repository!
[13:49:31] :octopus: Pulling code changes from Github…
[13:50:01] :rocket: Starting up repository: ‘green-bonds-web-application’, branch: ‘main’, main module: ‘’

Link to repo

This application was previously working and I’ve only made extremely minor changes since then, so any help would be very appreciated!

Thank you,

After scanning the other threads, I think this is most likely the problem:

My repo requires packages.txt, hence it currently failing.

You’re right :sweat_smile: We’re in the process of releasing a fix (in a few hours) for this bug.

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I’ve confirmed with engineering that this is indeed a bug that will only affect users who have dependencies installed via apt / packages.txt.

A fix has been released! :balloon: The solution is to delete your app on Streamlit Cloud and re-deploy it.

I have tried that. It worked for a few minutes and then it stopped working. I tried to delete and install it again but its not working.

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