Streamlit-float: Fix vertical position of Streamlit containers relative to viewport instead of page

Hey everyone,

A few months ago, I made a post asking if anyone would be interested in a module or component that adds the ability to “float” containers to keep them visible as you scroll down pages of content. Since then, the idea has gotten some interest and feedback but I have not gotten the chance to work on it until very recently.

Check out the project here:


GitHub - bouzidanas/streamlit-float: A simple module for fixing the vertical…

One thing I would like to improve is remove the need for initialization so if anyone has an idea on how to accomplish that let me know or make a pull request.

If you find this interesting or useful, please give it a try!



Thanks @bouzidanas once again for another great Streamlit component. The floating content would definitely be helpful.

Best regards,

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