I have installed streamlit via “Pip install streamlit”
Everything went well during the install. But when I try streamlit hello I get an “Acess Denied” message.
What I tried:
Running the prompt as Admin.
Creating a new environment and reinstalling streamlit there.
Nothing works. Any idea why this might be happening.
Hi @KenyanAnalyst, welcome to the Streamlit community!
Based on the Windows path, it appears that you may be using 32-bit Windows, or a 32-bit interpreter window? If so, note that Streamlit only runs on 64-bit Python. In most cases, people run 32-bit shell by mistake, so I would start there and make sure you are referring to the proper Python executable.
Thank you for the reply Randy.
Hi @randyzwitch, I ran into the same issue however I have checked that I am using a 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Python. Still it has the same “Access is denied” error. (I am using a company laptop which I don’t have admin privileges). Let me know if you have any idea how to debug this.
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