Streamlit is preserving session info across multiple instances of the app

I have logged into my streamlit app on my computer with the credentials I created, I then open the app on my phone and notice that I am already logged. I have logged out on the webpage then reloaded the page on my phone, seeing that I was then logged out. I am now very confused about session states and storing information, because I thought the session state would be stored for each instance of the web address being loaded. I also created my app with the intention of having multiple people access and interact with a dataset through manipulating pandas dataframes. I imagine there would be an issue of overwritting if different people were deleting or updating the dataframes. How do you build a streamlit app that only saves the session state for the ip being used and not all using the web address?

  1. Deployed
  2. Community Cloud
  3. st 1.35, python 3.11.5

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