Streamlit on Kubernetes 404 error

I am trying to deploy a streamlit application on Azure Kubernetes Services.
The Services are created using a jenkins pipeline and accordingly, the service’s URL that gets created is in the form :
Service URL: https://<cluster_hostname>/services/<service_name>
but after deploying the service, I get 404 error on the browser when I try to access the app.

The service gets deployed and pods are up and running, with streamlit available on <pod_ip>:8080
I am guessing it could be something related to how Streamlit server is available in the container VS. how it should be binding to the Service URL from outside the cluster.

Can you please suggest what to do ?

This is the command I am using in my Dockerfile:

ENTRYPOINT ["streamlit", "run", "--server.port=8080", "--server.address=", "/app_folder/"]

This is the ingress:

"kind": "Ingress",
	"spec": {
		"rules": [
				"host": "<cluster_hostname>",
				"http": {
					"paths": [
							"path": "/services/<service_name>/(.*)",
							"backend": {
								"service": {
									"port": {
										"number": 8080
									"name": "dev-<service_name>"
							"pathType": "ImplementationSpecific"