UML / LLM Diagram editor

For several months now I’ve been using Plant UML to build simple diagrams for all kinds of use cases – API interactions, generic flow chart / service work, relationship diagrams, etc. I don’t really enjoy diagramming much and found out that Chat GPT was really good at converting my babbling into PlantUML-- it’s been a great addition to my toolkit for quickly getting some diagrams together.

I’ve finally grown tired of doing back and forth between ChatGPT and other tools to edit / render the UML and decided to build an app just for this purpose. It’s working pretty well so far, I’m sure I’ll continue tweaking it as I get more usage with it, but others might enjoy it as well:

Here’s a really contrived example:

Each edit / version is saved so you can quickly iterate through them:


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I’ve been using this quite a bit, and made a number of improvements that I’ve now pushed live. The UI works a lot smoother now (and isn’t hosed completely on mobile), there are several example diagrams showcasing a few of the many variety of diagrams PlantUML can produce to serve as starting poitns, and there is now an integrated theme selector.

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