Hello, I am trying to deploy an app on streamlit cloud from github that works perfectly locally but i keep getting this ‘modulenotfound’ error for ‘sklearn’ and ‘matplotlib’…I have tried to put them on a requirement list but then there is an error message stating " Error installing requirements."
The error log is stated below:
55 st.dataframe(user_input, use_container_width = True)
57 #Downloading models
❱ 58 model_job = pickle.load(open('job_type_encoder.sav', 'rb'))
59 model_education = pickle.load(open('education_level_encoder.sav', 'rb')
60 model_marital = pickle.load(open('marital_status_encoder.sav', 'rb'))
61 model_country = pickle.load(open('country_encoder.sav', 'rb'))
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sklearn'
2024-04-09 18:27:49.613 503 GET /script-health-check ( 247.12ms
[18:27:50] 🐙 Pulling code changes from Github...
[18:27:51] 📦 Processing dependencies...
──────────────────────────────────────── pip ───────────────────────────────────────────
Using standard pip install.
ERROR: Ignored the following yanked versions: 0.0.post2
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement sklearn==<1.4.1.post1> (from versions: 0.0, 0.0.post1, 0.0.post4, 0.0.post5, 0.0.post7, 0.0.post9, 0.0.post10, 0.0.post11, 0.0.post12)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for sklearn==<1.4.1.post1>
Checking if Streamlit is installed
Found Streamlit version 1.33.0 in the environment
[18:27:53] ❗️ installer returned a non-zero exit code
[18:29:28] ❗️ Streamlit server consistently failed status checks
[18:29:28] ❗️ Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.
The github link - Financial-inclusion-prediction-in-East-Africa2/2_financeapp.py at main · kunle-oduks/Financial-inclusion-prediction-in-East-Africa2 · GitHub