Unable to deploy my CNN TL model!

Getting the following error! Please help to identify and resolve the root cause!

Github Repo: GitHub - ManishRawat07/Brain_Tumor_Detection_CNN_TL
App Link: https://checkbraintumor.streamlit.app/

Hi @ManishRawat07,

Thanks for sharing this question!

Try replacing opencv-python with opencv-python-headless in the requirements.txt file.

Hi @Tonykip, Thanks it did resolve the previous error. However, unfortunately getting another error, It is perfectly running on LocalHost. The error screenshot is shown below.

Git Repo: GitHub - ManishRawat07/Brain_Tumor_Detection_CNN_TL

App Link: https://checkbraintumor.streamlit.app/

Hi @ManishRawat07 . Is that model was working fine in locally? Could you make sure to check it once in your notebook with some image?

Hi @Guna_Sekhar_Venkata Yes, It’s working fine in my local host. Attached is a snapshot for your convenience below. Its just I’m unable to deploy it due to above error.

Git Repo: GitHub - ManishRawat07/Brain_Tumor_Detection_CNN_TL

App Link: https://checkbraintumor.streamlit.app/

Hey @ManishRawat07 thanks for the sharing image for understanding. Once remove all the version numbers from requirements.txt file and reboot the app once!

@Guna_Sekhar_Venkata I did update the requirement file as you said, but still having the above issue.

Hey @ManishRawat07 Which python version you have selected in the time of deployment? Whether it’s match with your local python version? Also list of the versions of necessary dependencies from your local host by using:-

python -m pip show dependency_name

@Guna_Sekhar_Venkata The Python version during implementation was 3.11.4.
I tried getting the error:
“WARNING: Package(s) not found: dependency_name”

Uploading: Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 12.45.29 AM.png…

Hey @ManishRawat07 once check the screenshot was not uploaded properly