Unable to locate and import r-blaster on streamlit while deploying

I have been trying to deploy an app on streamlit. It contains a mixture of R and python codes, but deployment is failing at streamlit installing r-cran-blaster, a package required for my R section, which is under my packages.txt file.
Here’s my github lin - GitHub - OluwasegunIsaac/Pathfinder
App link - Streamlit (pathfinder-vivli.streamlit.app)

E: Unable to locate package r-cran-blaster
[00:14:53] ❗️ installer returned a non-zero exit code
[00:14:53] ❗️ Error during processing dependencies! Please fix the error and push an update, or try restarting the app.

Hey @OluwasegunIsaac,

I’m taking a look at your code right now.

if you’re having issues running R code or a script, feel free to check out this similar issue posted: Trigger R Script from Streamlit UI code

This stack overflow post is helpful too: python - How do I execute a program or call a system command? - Stack Overflow

Thanks, I’ll check it out.
I would be glad to also get your feedback after reviewing the code.
The issue is, running R using python already works locally in the code, it is while deploying that an essential package (blaster) isnt working. when i deploy without this r-package, the app works, just losing the functionality of the blaster code

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