Dear Streamlit-Community,
I want to use the st.data_editor to look up values from a database based on values that I enter into the column “Search value”. Whenever the “Search”-Button is pressed, I want to update the >> existing << st.data_editor with values from fake_result_table (For the sake of simplification let’s assume whenever the button is pressed, a script queries an imaginary data source and returns the fake dataframe).
Steps to reproduce
Code snippet:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
with st.form("my_form"):
if "template" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state["template"] = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Search Value", "Result"])
input = st.data_editor(st.session_state["template"], num_rows="dynamic")
search = st.form_submit_button("Search")
if search:
fake_result_table = pd.DataFrame(
[[1, "A"], [2, "B"], [3, "C"]], columns=["Search Value", "Result"]
st.session_state["template"] = fake_result_table
Expected behavior:
The input widget (st.data_editor) is updated / content is replaced by the pd.DataFrame called fake_result_table. Important: I only want 1 st.data_editor > I want to display the results in the same widget in wich I inserted the search values.
Actual behavior:
The st.data_editor is only updating the very first time. When I change the results afterwards and press “Search” again, everything remains the same. No matter what I tryed (working with session state/ st.empty() etc., I couldn’t get the desired result.