Updated Form Fields not saving to the Database and no error is thrown up


trying to update the members table and insert changes into the audit_trails table but it is not working and not throwing up any error.members data are retrieved correctly, i am working in a local environment

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

# Function to retrieve the member's information from the database and update it
def retrieve_member(member_id):
    # Retrieve the member's existing information from the database using their ID
    cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE id=?", (member_id,))
    existing_member = cursor.fetchone()

    # If the member is found, display their information and allow updates
    if existing_member:
        # Create a form to wrap the input fields
        with st.form(key="update_form"):
            # Editable fields
            name = st.text_input("Name:", existing_member[1])
            membership_no = st.text_input("Membership No:", existing_member[2])
            gender = st.text_input("Gender:", existing_member[3])
            institute = st.text_input("Institute:", existing_member[4])
            state_chapter = st.text_input("State Chapter:", existing_member[5])
            organization_name = st.text_input("Organization Name:", existing_member[6])
            address = st.text_area("Address:", existing_member[7])
            phone_number = st.text_input("Phone Number:", existing_member[8])
            whatsapp_number = st.text_input("WhatsApp Number:", existing_member[9])
            year_of_induction = st.text_input("Year of Induction:", existing_member[10])
            status_grade = st.text_input("Status Grade:", existing_member[11])
            email_address = st.text_input("Email Address:", existing_member[12])
            state_residing = st.text_input("State Residing:", existing_member[13])
            dateofbirth = st.text_input("Date of Birth:", existing_member[16])  # Display and edit Date of Birth
            acronyms = st.text_input("Acronyms:", existing_member[17])

            # Editable passport field
            uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload Passport Photo:", type=["jpg", "jpeg", "png"], key="passport")

            if uploaded_file is not None:
                # Display the uploaded passport photo
                passport_image = Image.open(uploaded_file)
                st.image(passport_image, caption="Uploaded Passport Photo", use_column_width=True)

            # Add a button to save the updated information
            if st.form_submit_button("Save"):
                save_member(member_id, existing_member, name, membership_no, gender, institute, state_chapter,
                            organization_name, address, phone_number, whatsapp_number, year_of_induction,
                            status_grade, email_address, state_residing, dateofbirth, acronyms, uploaded_file)

# Function to save the updated member information
def save_member(member_id, existing_member, name, membership_no, gender, institute, state_chapter, organization_name,
                address, phone_number, whatsapp_number, year_of_induction, status_grade,
                email_address, state_residing, dateofbirth, acronyms, uploaded_file):
        # Check if any required field is empty
        if any(value == '' for value in [name, membership_no, gender, institute, state_chapter, organization_name,
                                        address, phone_number, whatsapp_number, year_of_induction, status_grade,
                                        email_address, state_residing, dateofbirth, acronyms]):
            st.error("All fields must be filled")

        # Retrieve the current timestamp
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        # Compare each field with the existing member data to identify changes
        changed_fields = {}
        for field_name, new_value, old_value in [
            ("name", name, existing_member[1]),
            ("membership_no", membership_no, existing_member[2]),
            ("gender", gender, existing_member[3]),
            ("institute", institute, existing_member[4]),
            ("state_chapter", state_chapter, existing_member[5]),
            ("organization_name", organization_name, existing_member[6]),
            ("address", address, existing_member[7]),
            ("phone_number", phone_number, existing_member[8]),
            ("whatsapp_number", whatsapp_number, existing_member[9]),
            ("year_of_induction", year_of_induction, existing_member[10]),
            ("status_grade", status_grade, existing_member[11]),
            ("email_address", email_address, existing_member[12]),
            ("state_residing", state_residing, existing_member[13]),
            ("dateofbirth", dateofbirth, existing_member[16]),
            ("acronyms", acronyms, existing_member[17])
            if new_value != old_value:
                changed_fields[field_name] = (old_value, new_value)

        # Insert audit trail records for each changed field
        for field_name, (old_value, new_value) in changed_fields.items():
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO audit_trail (member_id, field_name, old_value, new_value, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
                           (member_id, field_name, str(old_value), str(new_value), timestamp))  # Use str() to convert values to strings

        # Convert the uploaded passport image to a byte array
        passport_blob = None
        if uploaded_file is not None:
            passport_image = Image.open(uploaded_file)
            image_byte_array = io.BytesIO()
            passport_image.save(image_byte_array, format='PNG')
            passport_blob = image_byte_array.getvalue()

        # Update the member's information in the database
        cursor.execute("UPDATE members SET name=?, membership_no=?, gender=?, institute=?, state_chapter=?, "
                       "organization_name=?, address=?, phone_number=?, whatsapp_number=?, year_of_induction=?, "
                       "status_grade=?, email_address=?, state_residing=?, dateofbirth=?, acronyms=?, passport=? WHERE id=?",
                       (name, membership_no, gender, institute, state_chapter, organization_name, address,
                        phone_number, whatsapp_number, year_of_induction, status_grade, email_address,
                        state_residing, dateofbirth, acronyms, passport_blob, member_id))

        # Commit the changes to the database

        st.success("Member information updated and saved!")

    except Exception as e:
        st.error(f"Error: {str(e)}")

# Streamlit app
def update_member():
    st.title("Update Member")
    # Add an input field for the member's ID and a search button
    member_id = st.text_input("Member ID:")
    if st.button("Search"):


If applicable, please provide the steps we should take to reproduce the error or specified behavior.

Expected behavior:

update the members table and insert changes into the audit_trails table when save_member funtion runs.

Actual behavior:

No error was thrown up but not working.

Debug info

  • Streamlit version: ( 1.26.0)
  • Python version: (3.11.2)
  • i am using virtualenv
  • OS version: Windows 10 64 bit professional
  • Browser version: Opera GX, Google chrome

This is because you haven’t write connection.commit() right after the INSERT Query.
Keep a note that whenever you are try a DML query in a any programming language you have to the commit it after every query(INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

thanks for your response, i inserted connection.commit() after the INSERT Query, still nothing happens, please i will appreciate if you can still help me further, i have been on this for almost 24 hours ago

Did you check your db connection ? and if its working ? most of the times we miss out on simple errors…

bro my db connection is ok

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