Version 0.67.0 β€’ Deprecation warning for st.pyplot with no figure provided

Version 0.67.0

New Features

  • :tooth: Streamlit Components can now send and return bytes to your Streamlit App. To create a component working with bytes, make sure to upgrade to the latest

Notable Changes

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Deprecation warning: Beginning December 1st, 2020 st.pyplot() will require a figure to be provided. To disable the deprecation warning, please set deprecation.showPyplotGlobalUse to False
  • :level_slider: st.multiselect and st.selectbox are now lightning fast when working with large datasets. Thanks masa3141!

Check out our release demo to see the new features in action!

Special Thanks

Thanks to our contributors masa3141 and domoritz for all the help!


Good afternoon, Streamlit and community.

I am currently building apps that are highly dependent on pydeck_terrain_layer. As this post
St.pydeck_chart missing Terrain_layer issue posted, will there be any schedules of updating pydeck dependencies? No rush I just want to know a approximate time.

Much appreciated!

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Thanks for following up @kforris. I asked internally about this, and this PR will hopefully get merged today

So once you see that merged, then it will be available the next day in streamlit-nightly

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Hi @kforris, this PR got merged last night. So if it isn’t in the streamlit-nightly that’s available today, it should be tomorrow. Please check it out and let us know if your issue is resolved

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