View External Website inside of streamlit app


I’m attempting to add the ability to open a website inside of my Streamlit app but am encountering some issues. I’m using the code found here, but modified it as so:

import streamlit as st

        f'<iframe src=""></iframe>',

This works. However, when I use the website I want it states it is blocked. I encounter similar results if I use, like so:

import streamlit as st

        f'<iframe src=""></iframe>',

  • Plus this error message: ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE

I apologize because I’m back to this issue after a couple weeks break and am trying to recreate the issues I encountered then. When I first encountered this issue, I read somewhere that this a setting the website owners use, preventing this type of activity. If so, cool, I’ll just file this away in the “nice to have but can’t do anything about it” section.

I also, thought, there was a blog post or something in the docs showing how to open a page, which is what I used to initially try to open a page, however, I can’t find it again to reference.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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