Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
05/17/21 - 05/23/21
Issue - V53
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here.
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
- In case you missed it-Secrets Management is now available in sharing! Upgrade and read the docs to get started.
- Read about submit button and forms and try out the new features in this sample app.
Take a look at our newest short on core functions! This one covers how to make a double-ended slider ↔️
Featured Content
Power Density
Productivity Tracking with the Notion API and Python
Text Classifier App with Streamlit and River Python (Online Machine Learning) @Jesse_JCharis
How to deploy your first web app
Python Tutorial: sviluppiamo un Password Generator
How to Create an AI App to Generate Crontab Rules Using OpenAI and Streamlit
How to deploy a data science model on Streamlit
Language Translator Web App Using Python | GUI - Streamlit Tutorial
Introduction to Streamlit
TigerStream: TigerGraph Web App made with Streamlit
Criando aplicações web com o Streamlit @vanleiko
Streamlit: Build a UI in a Jiffy with this Python Library
A brief introduction to building interactive ML WebApps With Streamlit
Implementing Google OAuth in Streamlit
Resume Python Project- All Covid Resources in one Web-App using Streamlit
Stock Price Trend Forecasting - Using Streamlit and Yahoo
URL Feature Engineering and Classification
Build a Sports Performance Analysis App with Streamlit and Heroku step by step
Chaos Game Representation of Genetic Sequences
Deploy a Streamlit Data Analysis Dashboard with Docker
Science and Tech
Radiotherapy AI @SimonBiggs
Weights & Biases Public Benchmark for Drought Prediction
Simple Iris flower detection web app.
HydDown rigorous gas vessel fire PSV discharge calculation
Looking into Iris Dataset
NLP and Language
Twitter sentiment Analyzer
Caption Suggestion using Lyrics
Tweet Analyzer
Soft Science - Nuvola Project
Data Visualization
CV and Images
Open-piv app
Image Classification
Vacation Rentals Photos Classifier
Canny Edge Detection Application
Covid19 Detection From X-Ray Images
Finance and Business
Geography and Society
The Effect of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Covid resources web app
Notícias da Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde do Amazonas (FVS-AM)
Trackts App
Overlay one video over another
F.A.S.T. Web App
Resume Screening App using Python, Tensorflow and Streamlit
Streamlit Activity Viewer for Strava
Titanic Survival Prediction
House Rent Prediction App
Prediction of actions of People
Model Building and Training
Cool happenings and other things
- Streamlit Echarts Demo (update) @andfanilo
- Code snippet: create Components without any frontend tooling (no React, Babel, Webpack, etc)
- A toy dict_input or json_input component @robwalton
- Data Science Workshop Upcoming 5/29