Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
7/11/22 - 7/17/22
Issue - V110
Current Release: 1.11.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
The #30DaysofStreamlit app is now available en Français. @Charly_Wargnier
Check out the backstory on @giswqs’s popular geospatial app and how Streamlit helped optimize it.
Featured Content
EuroPython 2022 | Liffey Hall 2 | July 14 @whitphx
Analyzing Streamlit Monthly Rewind Apps @andfanilo
Tutorial - 5 | Installing Streamlit | Face Recognition using AWS
Fetch Alice Blue Positions Book Normalize Json in Python Streamlit
Tutorial Pembuatan Aplikasi Berbasis Web dengan Streamlit
Getting Started with Streamlit
Streamlit for Machine Learning and Model deployment
Comment créer sa propre stratégie de trading avec Python et Streamlit | Finance | Josué Afouda
Complete Spam/Ham Email Classification code + UI project using python and streamlit
Jugando con mis datos de @Spotify con @Streamlit
Data Science | Web application to predict diabetes diagnosis using streamlit
Github repo recommender 101 in streamlit
An End-to-End Web-App Dashboard on 120 years of Real World Data deployed on Heroku
(Part-2) Building interactive Dashboards at Factly using Streamlit
Python: Web App under 100 lines of code using Streamlit.
Let’s Build An Easy Computer Vision Web App with Streamlit & Streamlit-webrtc
Support Vector Machine (SVM) in Action — Using Streamlit
Building quick to use Streamlit and Snowpark environments
A hands-on project with dbt, Streamlit, and PostgreSQL
Integrating Boto3 To Streamlit Apps
Streamlit入門+応用 ~ データ分析Webアプリを爆速で開発する
[streamlit]Pythonで機械学習アプリを作ってみよう vol.02 Docker編
Deploying Streamlit App with Custom Domain and Apache2
You can just turn data scripts into apps!
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Data Visualization
Covid-19 Dashboard
Patrick’s Workouts @patrickloeber
Time Series Forecaster
Using DuckDB for Local in-Memory Cache
NYC Covid Recovery
CV and Images
Finance and Business
Filtro Simples
Financial Analysis App
Today’s Cryptocurrency Prices
Price Analysis - LSTM, Deployed Using Streamlit
Algorand Stats app · Streamlit
Geography and Society
Restaurants QR Menu in 3 Simple Steps
Secure Password Generator
Contagion Utility Services
File Analyzer Model in Python