Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
12/21/20 - 01/03/21
Issue - V33
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get access!
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
Deploying a Web App with Streamlit Sharing
How to use trending Twitter Hashtags and Google Keywords in 2020 to build word clouds
Build an Interactive Web App for Data Science Projects with Streamlit - Part 3
Build an Interactive Web App for Data Science Projects with Streamlit - Part 4
Deploy and Host your Data Science Project
PyCaret and Streamlit: How to Create and Deploy Data Science Web App
A dashboard to visualize DeGroot learning on networks with Python and Streamlit
Refactoring Streamlit Apps From Monolith to Modular (Modulith) @Jesse_Jcharis
How to Build a Machine Learning App (Streamlit + Scikit-learn in Python)
How To Build a Web App To Download YouTube Videos in 30 Lines of Code — Python Project Tutorials
Introduction to StreamLit - ML Series
How to Build a ML Hyperparameter Optimization App (Streamlit + Scikit-learn + Python)
Streamlit - Python Library - The Fastest Way To Build Data Apps
Mammals dataset - Streamlit - Tidy Data (Python pandas) -Part I
Mammals dataset - Streamlit - Tidy Data (Python pandas) - Part II
Building an Email Extractor App with Streamlit & Python (2021) @Jesse_JCharis
Build a ML Web App for Stock Market Prediction From Daily News With Streamlit and Python
1. Streamlit - Introduction, installation and launch
2. How to develop a webpage with Streamlit?
3. Streamlit - Application Development Possibilities - GIT Links - Prebuilt demos
Streamlit on Colab with Ngrok to expose URL and adding Nginx as proxy
Building a Content-Based Food Recommendation Engine
How to build Machine learning APP using FastAPI, Swagger & Streamlit?
How to build Machine learning APP using FastAPI, Swagger , Streamlit & Docker?
Real-time Dashboard App with Kafka, Beam, Dataflow, BigQuery, Data Studio, and Streamlit
Traingenerator — Code Generator for Machine Learning
Deploy Code With Streamlit
Embed molecular editor into Streamlit app
Market Mix Modeling using Pycaret and Streamlit (part 2)!!
Deploying a Model to Streamlit
Build a Machine Learning Web App with Streamlit and Python [ Heroku Deployment ]
Creating a Streamlit web app, building with Docker + GitHub Actions, and hosting on Heroku
Science and Tech
Brain Tumor Classifier @Manikanta_Yakkala
Monitoraggio TI e decessi su base regionale
Let me count the leaves for you — A Deep Learning Case Study
Chest X-Ray Classification Application
NLP & Language
FB Wit.ai App - DevCoder @sharan19
Text Matching
POS (Part of Speech) Tagging App.
Analysis of ELMo and BERT embedding similarity for similar sentences
Sentence translation using Seq2Seq - Attention.
Embeddings & Semantic Search App
NLP BOX with Streamlit
EU, UK & NI deal
Data Visualization
YOUR 2020 IN BOOKS @mennanist
Interactive Networks (graphs) with Pyvis @napoles3d
Data Visuzalization App
Streamlit app for PIVPy
Analyze API Rotational Viscometer Data
2020 In A Wrap
CV & Images
Qual é a raça do meu dog?
Aplicar filtros imagens
Steel Defect Detection using Deep Learning
A streamlit face detection and photo editing app.
Neural Style Transfer
Style transfer web app @Charly_Wargnier
Web Application: Open CV and Filters
Identificar placas automotivas
Style transfer
Streamlit App : Road Damage Detection for multiple countries using one of the state of art “YOLOv3” architecture
Skymagic using Streamlit @AdityaNikhil
Awesome Movie Picker @franasa
Zero-shot Emotion Detection for Christmas Lyrics
Streamlit Pokedex
My Peloton Pal
Eu curto mais Pearl Jam do que você!
Finance & Business
Geography & Society
Model Building & Training
Document Similarity using Custom Word2Vec
Machine Learning Classifier App
Automatic code generator for training Reinforcement Learning policies
Predict the House Price
Streamlit Webapp AirBnb predictor
Employee Retention
Predicting the sale price of bulldozers
Cool happenings and other things
Ever heard of Streamlit? Python/WebDev
nlp model selection app
- Authenticated Full-Stack Streamlit with Docker WIP @Eddie