Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
11/08/21 - 11/14/21
Issue - V77
Current Release: 1.2.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
Streamlit Cloud is now open to everyone! Try it out here.
Check out the latest updates in the 1.2.0 release .
Listen to @Amanda_Kelly chat about the impact of data science at companies in the latest Utilizing AI podcast
Featured Content
NFT Analytics App @Vilijan
Python Data Science / ML #06: Stock Prices Web App with Streamlit Framework #streamlit #python #ml
Twittorial: Using Seaborn in Streamlit @andfanilo
A Movie Search App with Streamlit | Beginner Streamlit Project
Fastest Way of Deploying Your Machine Learning Models
Criando uma aplicação web de um dashboard de um banco fictício com python — Part1
How to Add a User Authentication Service in Streamlit @mkhorasani
Streamlit For Dashboards And Web Apps: A Complete Beginner’s Tutorial-Part 2
saXsa, Lic. David, Streamlit con Folium y Datos Abiertos de la Ciudad de México
saXsa, Julieta, Suministro de Noticias Financiero con Python, Spacy y Streamlit
2 Streamlit implementation - Build a streamlit application
Python Data Science / ML #06: Stock Prices Web App with Streamlit Framework #streamlit #python #ml
superai2 1991 “How to make Dashboard with streamlit ?”
How to Build an OpenCV Web App with Streamlit
Create An Awesome Streamlit App & Deploy it With Docker
Interactive map-based data visualizations with Streamlit and Bokeh.js
Streamlit: Creating Live Applications with only Python
How To Create a Simple Webform Using Streamlit
Introduction to Streamlit
Streamlit For Dashboards And Web Apps: A Complete Beginner’s Tutorial-Part 1
How to Develop a Streamlit Application, Deploy Using Railway, and Monitor Using Umami @jp-varela
Github Copilots Experiments - Part 1
Subindo modelos com Streamlit
Deploying Streamlit on Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS)
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
Data Visualization
K-means Clustering @Rapheal_Kalandadze
Research Timeline Streamlit Application
Suicides in India 2020
My first dashboard with Streamlit
CV and Images
Finance and Business
2021 Singapore Resale Flat Prices
Health Insurance Price Predictor
HPLP - House Price Lisbon Predict
UPI QR Code Generator
Bank Loan Prediction Using Streamlit| Machine Learning | Python web
Using Streamlit as A Business Inteligence Tool @ozgurdugmeci
Geography and Society
Coronavirus Data Charts - Greece
Geschwindigkeitsübertretungen im Kanton Basel-Stadt @godot63
Creating annual Sentinel-2 timelapse using the streamlit web app @giswqs
Music Theory Suite
YouTube Movie Scraper @ritesh.sharma29
Movie Recommender System
Game of Thrones Personality Matcher
Electricity Consumption Prediction App using Streamlit, Fbprophet, Heroku
deployment moa · Streamlit Google Chrome 2021 11 11 13 34 42
Model Building and Training
Cool happenings and other things
- Can You Learn Data Science From a Book? (Tyler Richards) - KNN Ep. 73 Ken Jee @Tyler
- Ciencia Datos, IA, Machine Learning y Streamlit para Datos Abiertos. Caso CDMX Upcoming meetup 11/24
- Curso: Python, Folium, GeoPandas y despliegue Streamlit con Datos GeoEspaciales Upcoming meetup 11/24