Version 1.2.0

Release date: Nov 11, 2021

Notable Changes

  • :pencil2: st.text_input and st.text_area now have a placeholder parameter to display text when the field is empty.
  • :straight_ruler: Viewers can now resize the input box in st.text_area .
  • :file_folder: Streamlit can auto-reload when files in the sub-directories change.
  • :rainbow: We’ve upgraded Bokeh support to 2.4.1! We recommend updating your Bokeh library to 2.4.1 to maintain functionality. Going forward, we’ll let you know if there’s a mismatch in your Bokeh version via an error prompt.
  • :lock: Developers can access secrets via attribute notation (e.g., vs. st.secrets["foo"] ) just like session state.

Other Changes


Wow. It will improve our experience using streamlit especially in developing CRUD apps. Anyway can you add disabled parameters for st.text_input, st.text_area too and default value for st.selectbox? I think it would be nice and easier for us using streamlit. Thanks anyway :grin:

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Hi @imbhaskara! :grin:
Good news :tada:, we are currently working on adding disabled parameters to all widgets, including st.text_input and st.text_area! Hope to have these implemented in the next month or so.


Waw. Cant wait for the improvements!! Being better and better streamlit

Wa~ nice!, waiting for the disabled parameter~~~ :smirk:

Good news @Hcom It’s coming in the next release! You can try it out with pip install streamlit-nightly and add a disabled=True|False to your widgets. :blush:


Awesome news!
These are all such welcome improvements :smiley:

Streamlit is really becoming something special in the Python web dev world

wow, Thank you so much for the info~!!!

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