Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
1/17/22 - 1/23/22
Issue - V86
Current Release: 1.5.0
Every week weโll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
Have a few minutes to help us out? Take our Winter quarter survey!
Version 1.5.0 was released.
Learn how to diagnose blood cancer from DNA data using @Eitanโs Streamlit app.
Featured Content
Real-Time Live Finance/Marketing/Data Science Dashboard in Python #8daysofstreamlit Day8 Tutorial @1littlecoder
A Deep Dive into Wordle, the New Pandemic Puzzle Craze
Koffee of the world
Live Coding a Streamlit App for Data Science from Scratch @dataprofessor
Deploy on Streamlit Cloud your speech to text application
4 ways of styling Streamlit widgets | Streamlit tutorial @andfanilo
Streamlit Camera Input Pencil Sketch | #8daysofstreamlit Day 6: Streamlit Tutorial @1littlecoder
Using PM2 with Streamlit Apps (PoC) @Jesse_JCharis
Finding the Most Profitable Keywords by Plotting Competitor Analysis Graphs โ with Python Streamlit
Deployment of Sentiment Analysis Web app on render cloud using Streamlit, Python, and Tensorflow
End to End Image Classification of Python and Anacondas deployment with Streamlit to render cloud
Build and deploy your own streamlit application
Beginner Guide to Streamlit Deployment on Azure
How to Make a Music Player with streamlit in python | Not so Pro Python Tutorials
NLP text classification: from data collection to model inference
Develop and Deploy Streamlit App which Predicts Mercedes Benz Car Prices
Build a Transcription Application
Streamlit ฤฐle Web App Oluลturma
Data Visualization & Streamlit
Python: Web App under 100 lines of code using Streamlit.
Automatic Text Summarization System Using Transformers
Deploying Machine Learning models using AWS Lambda and Github Actions - A Detailed Tutorial
Streamlit Crash Course
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
KW Tagging/Labelling
Sentiment Analysis
Multi-lingual Undesired Speech Detection
Cheers Counter
Download Search Volume
Technical Domain Auditor
AskMen or AskWomen
Utilisation de GPT-3 Codex pour analyser ses donnรฉes avec Streamlit
Data Visualization
CV and Images
Real Time Face Emotion Detection Application
Crop Disease and Pest Detection
Mongolian Five Animal Classifier
Color Palette Generator
Real-time Detection of PPE
Demo of Albumentations
streamlit Demo Hand Tracking
Finance and Business
Telco Churn App
Apple Stock Price Visualisation WebApp
Salary Predictor
Dev project delays estimation
Telecom Churn App
Project Analytics House Rocket
FinTech Finder
To the Moon [Phase]!
Geography and Society
Map Locator @nikhilshah
Human Resource Analytics
Real-Time Weather Forecast Lookup App
Exploration of US Bikeshare Data in Popular Cities
Model Building and Training
Cool happenings and other things
- annotated_text component V3 @thiago
- Construyendo reportes interactivos con Streamlit Upcoming meetup 2/5
- How to build a bioinformatics app in python using Streamlit Upcoming talk 2/20 @dataprofessor
- HPE Dev Meetup - Streamlit Upcoming meetup 2/23 @arnaudmiribel
- Semantic Search App Creation with Streamlit and Pinecone Upcoming webinar 2/24