Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
1/10/22 - 1/16/22
Issue - V85
Current Release: 1.4.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
Streamlit Updates
Have a few minutes to help us out? Take our Winter quarter survey!
Get started with Streamlit for data science using this guide by @dataprofessor outlining all the steps from start to deployment.
Read how to create interactive books and presentations with Streamlit in @sebastiandres’ tutorial.
Featured Content
5 Streamlit Components To Build Better Applications @ahmedbesbes
Confusion Matrix @sebastiandres
Make a button inside a button work in Streamlit? | Nested Button + Session State tutorial @andfanilo
Molecular visualization in Streamlit using RDKit and Py3DMol (Part 2) @napoles3d
Build & Deploy Streamlit App #8daysofstreamlit Tutorial - Day 1 | Wordle Rescluer @1littlecoder
NLP Bias & Fairness App with Spacy | Build & Deploy Streamlit App Day 2 #8daysofstreamlit @1littlecoder
Learn to build PDF to Excel Table Python App - Day3 #8daysofstreamlit with Camelot @1littlecoder
Learn Streamlit Button CSS Customization | Wordle Spoiler deployed on Cloud Day4 #8daysofstreamlit @1littlecoder
Github Star History Tracker in Python - End-to-End Streamlit Tutorial #8daysofstreamlit Day5 @1littlecoder
Streamlit - Criando um app Financeiro com Python e Prophet
How to deploy a brain tumor prediction web app on Streamlit Cloud
Streamlit for Python - Module 2 - Deploying Machine Learning models
Stuck on Sharing Python Streamlit Web App Publicly? GIT ready for very detailed guidance please
Contoh Program Python Web | Membuat Web dengan Python | Streamlit Python untuk Data Science Tutorial
Create A Photo Converter App Using Streamlit — Surprisingly Easy and Fun
Build a Song Recommendation System using Streamlit and Deploy on Heroku
The Streamlit Experience
StreamlitでGoogle OAuth2.0を使った認証を行う
Science and Tech
SexEst: A sex estimation web-application (beta) @cconsta1
Predicting a recurrence relation
BMI Predictor
NLP and Language
Data Visualization
CV and Images
Detecção de Objetos em Imagem com Tensorflow Object Detection API
Personal Protective Equipment Detection Using Yolo-V3
Demo - A Photo Converter App Created Using Streamlit
Digit recognition App (Streamlit) trained on the MNIST_Plus dataset using PyTorch CNN model
Finance and Business
Market Optics @ryanlampkin
#DAS(Data Analysis Stock) Overview @Tang_Andy
Comparing risk and return using the Moving Average Strategy
Crypto Analyst @borasavkar
Split Bill Calculator
Stock halt
Personal Finances App
German Mortgage calculator · Streamlit
Streamlit - Agent-based model for social teamwork
Geography and Society
Tuition Opportunities in Doha @ashhadul_islam
Streamlit app template for geospatial applications
Castilla y León en mapas
STAC Discovery
Eleições Legislativas 2022
CPT Visualization and Weak Layer Search
Creating Satellite Timelapse of Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption in 60 Seconds @giswqs
Streamlit for Geospatial Google Chrome 2022 01 11 18 02 52
Model Building and Training
Cool happenings and other things
- Construyendo reportes interactivos con Streamlit Upcoming meetup 2/5
- How to build a bioinformatics app in python using Streamlit Upcoming talk 2/20 @dataprofessor
- HPE Dev Meetup - Streamlit Upcoming meetup 2/23 @arnaudmiribel