Widget to sort / tag a group of names

Is there a widget I can use to sort names into groups / teams? basically, pass in two lists, one of categories and one of items to be sorted and it would generate a UI that would allow me to drag from the list of items into groups and be able to get the groups with the corresponding items at the end.

for example, a list of four teams on the left, a scrolling list of 100 names on the right and drag names into teams and it would disappear from the right (optionally appear under the team on the right)

Seems to be a lack of existing solutions. There seems to be no widget I can find that meets the criteria. So I’m thinking of a workaround:

radio widget for the category and checkbox widget for the names and a submit button.
select the category and check the name(s) to place into that category and click submit. Then the names and category will be returned to the app and removed from the checkbox list. Then keep going until all the names are sorted.

Any other / better ways?