Yfinance package doesn't work. Deployment fails

I keep getting this error message no matter what.
Changed requirements
down-versioned yfinance
checked py version (3.12)

Still doesn’t deploy. Any help?

Check the logs

Check the name of your requirements file.

it is requirements.txt

[     UTC     ] Logs for daxbot.streamlit.app/
[02:46:20] πŸš€ Starting up repository: 'streamlit_fibo_dax', branch: 'main', main module: 'bot_streamlit.py'
[02:46:20] πŸ™ Cloning repository...
[02:46:21] πŸ™ Cloning into '/mount/src/streamlit_fibo_dax'...
[02:46:21] πŸ™ Cloned repository!
[02:46:21] πŸ™ Pulling code changes from Github...
[02:46:21] πŸ“¦ Processing dependencies...
Check if streamlit is installed
cat: /mount/admin/install_path: No such file or directory

──────────────────────────────── Installing Streamlit ──────────────────────────────────

Using uv pip install.
Using Python 3.12.7 environment at /home/adminuser/venv
Resolved 41 packages in 426ms
Prepared 41 packages in 1.74s
Installed 41 packages in 105ms
 + altair==5.5.0
 + attrs==24.2.0
 + blinker==1.9.0
 + cachetools==5.5.0
 + certifi==2024.8.30
 + charset-normalizer==3.4.0
 + click==8.1.7
 + gitdb==4.0.11
 + gitpython==3.1.43
 [2024-11-27 02:46:24.208665] + idna==3.10
 + jinja2==3.1.4
 + jsonschema==4.23.0
 + jsonschema-specifications==2024.10.1
 + markdown-it-py==3.0.0
 + markupsafe==3.0.2
 + mdurl==0.1.2
 + narwhals==1.14.2
 + numpy==2.1.3
 + packaging==24.2
 + pandas==2.2.3[2024-11-27 02:46:24.208924] 
 + pillow==11.0.0
 + protobuf==5.28.3
 + pyarrow==18.1.0
 [2024-11-27 02:46:24.209381] + pydeck==0.9.1
 + pygments==2.18.0
 + python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0
 +[2024-11-27 02:46:24.209641]  pytz==2024.2
 + referencing==0.35.1
 + requests==2.32.3
 + rich==13.9.4[2024-11-27 02:46:24.209923] 
 + rpds-py==0.21.0
 + six==1.16.0
 + smmap==5.0.1
 +[2024-11-27 02:46:24.210139]  streamlit==1.40.2
 + tenacity[2024-11-27 02:46:24.210370] ==9.0.0
 + toml==0.10.2
 + tornado==6.4.2
 + typing-extensions==4.12.2
 + tzdata==2024.2
 + urllib3==2.2.3
 + watchdog==6.0.0


[02:46:24] πŸ“¦ Processed dependencies!
cat: /mount/admin/install_path: No such file or directory

────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ───────────────────────
  nner/exec_code.py:88 in exec_func_with_error_handling                         
  nner/script_runner.py:579 in code_to_exec                                     
  /mount/src/streamlit_fibo_dax/bot_streamlit.py:1 in <module>                  
  ❱   1 import yfinance as yf                                                   
      2 import pandas as pd                                                     
      3 import streamlit as st                                                  
      4 import plotly.graph_objects as go                                       
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'yfinance'

I don’t think it is. Check carefully. Use a big font and look at the characters one by one.

The requirements file name contains two consecutive dots instead of a single dot.

1 Like

boah. I must be blind. You have a sharp eye.



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