A gsheets-connection question. Can I pull the text_string contents of a 'single cell only' from my spreadsheet and save it into a variable?

I’ve figured out how to import a Google Sheet into a table. But I have another idea which involves a smaller amount of data - in this case just a single string of text.

Let’s say - for example - I have a string of text in Cell B3 of my Google spreadsheet. How would I extract just ‘that’ on it’s own and save it into a variable. Does gsheets-connection have this functionality? Or maybe I need to combine it with some other module/library?

Much Thanks.

Link to my public ‘example spreadsheet’ . . . if that’s useful.

Hi Liam,

If you want to make things work with just gsheets-connection, I’d recommend grabbing the whole worksheet and indexing into the dataframe for the cell you’re looking for.

If this is prohibitively expensive, you might need to utilize the underlying gspread library yourself to get access to just one cell.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for this. Will look into both suggestions.


Have also found this >> Examples of gspread Usage — gspread 6.1.2 documentation

. . . via this >> How to delete a particular row from gsheets based on an index for example? - #2 by dataprofessor

Thanks to user @dataprofessor