Extract and edit a single cell in st.data_editor

Extract and edit a single cell in st.data_editor

Is it possible to extract a single cell from data frame in separate editing window in st.data_editor?

So far I found the code that makes it possible to edit and save the editing of the WHOLE table:

with st.form(“data_editor_form”):
st.caption(“Edit the dataframe below”)
edited = st.experimental_data_editor(dataset, use_container_width=True, num_rows=“dynamic”)
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(“Submit”)

if submit_button:
#Note the quote_identifiers argument for case insensitivity
session.write_pandas(edited, “TTT”, overwrite=True, quote_identifiers=False)
st.success(“Table updated”)
st.warning(“Error updating table”)
#display success message for 5 seconds and update the table to reflect what is in Snowflake

Is it possible to only extract one particular sell from this table and edit it in separate editing field (outside of the table)?

Hi @karamboshka,

Thank you for sharing your question with the community! Can you share a more detailed example?

Also, your post is missing a code snippet and a link to your app’s GitHub repo. Please check out our guidelines on how to post an effective question here and update your post to help the community answer your question.

Hi @tonykip , thanks for advice!

So far I found the code that makes it possible to edit and save the editing of the WHOLE table:

with st.form(“data_editor_form”):
st.caption(“Edit the dataframe below”)
edited = st.experimental_data_editor(dataset, use_container_width=True, num_rows=“dynamic”)
submit_button = st.form_submit_button(“Submit”)

if submit_button:
#Note the quote_identifiers argument for case insensitivity
session.write_pandas(edited, “TTT”, overwrite=True, quote_identifiers=False)
st.success(“Table updated”)
st.warning(“Error updating table”)
#display success message for 5 seconds and update the table to reflect what is in Snowflake

Is it possible to only extract one particular sell from this table and edit it in separate editing field (outside of the table)?

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