See, version 3.23.11-Ovid. I have been busy building some of the boring infrastructure necessary for a productionized SAAS deployment of Streamlit. Major H/ts to @probability for HydraLit and @asehmi for simple auth framework. Nimble’s AI for book-lovers is still in alpha, so YMMV. One more big push coming up (Stripe integration) and then I can go to beta – at which point Streamlit is going to really make it easy to deploy zillions of new user-facing features.
- Streamlit now runs as a system service, which should significantly improve the customer’s experience of reliability.
- Added Python-based back up of sql database, with Recent Backups widget on Admin page.
- Added Change Password page
- Added Back Cover Blurb Writer to Create Metadata page.
- Safety reporting, token usage, transaction detail, and quota tracking are working again.
- Added rudimentary Admin Dashboard for Enterprise admins
- Added ISBN manager script & db tables for Enterprise plan customers
Sign Up form working again - Added forms to create Title & Subtitle Ideas, Book Detail Page Description, Bibliographic Keywords, and BISAC Category Recommendations to the Create Metadata page.
- Convert Microsoft Word format document (docx) to Pandas dataframes (
). The dataframes include paragraphs, styles for each paragraph, images, and tables.
- New page to create metadata for a completed manuscript (