Introducing - built completely on Native Streamlit!

First of all, thanks for this amazing application. Its easy to use and folks with no UI skills can easy build an amazing UI with streamlit.
Secondly, thanks to the community for providing several knowledge base articles and amazing learning content for folks to follow and implement.

I have successfully built and deployed a production ready (more than MVP) application on native streamlit. is an AI-driven HR IT application that operates in the HCM landscape with a focus on People Analytics, Budget Forecasting, and Interactive Scenario Planning.
The AI chatbot is work in progress, but organizations can taken advantage of building HR analytics in less than a minute.

Although this is WIP, I would like to showcase the product built completely on Streamlit.

Here are some of the components I have used:
database: mysql / Duckdb

Mysql hosting on Avien
Streamlit hosting on

Open for any feedback and happy to provide insight into how I have used some of these components.

thanks again!


Is there nything we can see without signing up?
Page would not load. After clicking Reject Cookies 30 times I stopped.

I will create a demo account for folks to see the content. For now, it requires to signup and provide necessary data.
thanks for the feedback.

Awesome product. Inspiring to see others building full products with Streamlit. I am working on a GenAI app myself. Are you willing to share your code? Interested to see how you managed the auth and how you structured things in general design-wise. I use a class based structure currently.

Thanks! happy to help. Feel free to DM me. I’m not done with the AI portion yet as I’m figuring out the hosting of the model and training stuff as the data would be sensitive (not using openAI apis).
If you are an expert in this domain, I can use your help.

Congrats on the launch, site looks slick!
Just curious how did you manage the cookies pop-up ? Did you hack something together?
If i recall correctly Streamlit doesnt natively support anything

here is the code

@st.dialog("We value your privacy")
def show_cookie_consent():
    st.write("""We use some essential cookies to make the website work. By clicking "Accept", you consent to our use of cookies.""")
    c1, c2 = st.columns(2)
    if c1.button("Accept Cookies", use_container_width=True, type="primary"):
        cookies["cookies_accepted"] = "True"
    if c2.button("Reject Cookies", use_container_width=True):
        cookies["cookies_accepted"] = "False"