App for gathering radio astronomy data

Hi everyone,

I have made an app relevant to radio astronomy. More specifically, it is making requests to the ATNF database that has information about a specific type of stars, called pulsars. This is the best source to get some basic information about these stars. However, it is just a simple (and outdated Iโ€™d say) page.

Since someone already created a tool to make requests to it I thought itโ€™d be nice to make a GUI that will combine them.

So, here it is. I hope it will be useful to someone.



Thanks @astromath for sharing your app!

If youโ€™d like to amplify this to a wider audience by writing an article for the Streamlit Blog where you can describe the use case of this app, do let us know.

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Hi @dataprofessor,

Thanks for the idea.Iโ€™d love to put a few words together. I will start preparing a post.

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Hi @dataprofessor

I have prepared some text in markdown format.
What do I do know?



Are you still interested in the text?

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