Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
12/26/22 - 1/01/23
Issue - V131
Current Release: 1.16.0
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= articles
= videos
= apps
= components
Love Streamlit and want to share your knowledge and win prizes? Check out the Tutorial-a-thon.
Learn from Gaurav Kaushik how ScienceIO manages billions of rows of training data with Streamlit and Snowflake.
Featured Content
ChatGPT built this Data Science Web App! (Holiday coding sessions) @avratanubiswas
Streamlit has a new theme for Plotly
Streamlit Text Gets Colorful
Developing Reservoir App Using Streamlit
OpenAI’s ChatGPT Streamlit Series Part 10: Voice to Text with Whisper
OpenAI Chat GPT in Streamlit Stock Dashboard in Python
OpenAI’s ChatGPT Streamlit Series Part 11: Generate Scripts using chatgpt
#03 Live Code - Dataviz em Near Real-Time usando Streamlit
How to Install Streamlit on your Computer #technology #anaconda #coding #technical #computer #app
Belajar Streamlit [Dasar] - 09a - Cara Membuat Web App Multi Page Home di Aplikasi Streamlit
OpenAI’s ChatGPT Streamlit Series Part 12: ChatGPT clone with Gradio
Belajar Streamlit [Dasar] - 09b - Cara Membuat Web App Multi Page di Aplikasi Streamlit
21. Web App for Car Price Prediction Using Machine Learning With Deployment using streamlit
Building chatGPT app in StreamLit | StreamLit Python Projects
教主技术进化论2023 第一期 Streamlit (快速数据呈现)
Spelling and Grammar Checking Streamlit App
Spelling and Grammar Checking Streamlit App: Building Docker Image
Excel Sheet Interactive Dashboard — Python Streamlit
Streamlit Authentication and User Management with Django — Part 2
Deploy a Machine Learning Service Quickly on AWS Fargate using AWS Copilot CLI and Streamlit
Revolutionize Your Data Analysis with Streamlit: An Interactive Web App for Analyzing Huge NWH Data
Streamlit: The Go-To Library for Rapidly Building Interactive Applications in Python
Serving Models Using Streamlit + FastAPI
Deploy an image classification model in minutes with Streamlit
Make Your 1st Streamlit App with Cohere’s Large Language Models
Aplicação de Churn Prediction com Machine Learning
Como usar o Streamlit em um projeto de análise de dados
How To Create an End-2-End Text Paraphrase App
Streamlit Tutorial: Building Web Apps with Code Examples
Science and Tech
NLP and Language
AI Audio Transcriber @smaranjitghose
Tweet Sentiment Analysis
Mr. Quotes Program
Multilingual News Summarizer
WW2SpaCy @wjbmattingly
Bionic Reader
Vulgate AI
Data Visualization
Série temporal de Registro de Marcas
Exploring Some Random Dataset
Dynamic Pressure Profile
Shark Tank India: Season 2
Gapminder dashboard
Covid 19 Analysis across US
CV and Images
Finance and Business
The Travel Package Purchase Prediction App
Mobile Price Classification
Controle Assinatura
Prospecção de clientes B2B
Simulador Financeiro
Solfintech Stock price prediction Trend
Seasonality stock charting
Whats going on with $BONK?
Ethereum NFT ecosystem
Solano NFT market ecosystem
Streamlit Powered Crypto Payment System based on Ethereum (test) block chain through Ganache network
Data Extraction
H&M Recommendation
Top Youtubers Comparison
Análise Descritiva dos Dados
Food Recommendation System
Data retrieval app streamlit python
Model building and training
Cool happenings and other things
- Building a Data Application with Snowpark, Marketplace and Streamlit Upcoming lab Jan 11, 2023
- Building a Real-Time analytics dashboard w. Streamlit Apache Pinot, and Redpanda Upcoming webinar Jan 17