Welcome to the Weekly Roundup!
12/07/20 - 12/13/20
Issue - V31
Every week we’ll share community-driven apps and articles that were shared with us during the previous week as well as any major announcements from Streamlit. If there is anything we missed feel free to add it in a comment or @ us on Twitter!
= videos
= apps
= articles
Streamlit Updates
- If you haven’t signed up for Streamlit sharing yet - join here. If you have - send a dm to @tc1 or @randyzwitch to get access!
- Read our latest blog post by members of the LIGO and NASA Goddard projects on exploring gravitational waves in deep space
- Check out the Streamlit sharing badge for your GitHub repos:
Automated Title Tag Optimization Using Deep Learning
Mask Detector w/ FastAI and Streamlit Sharing
Geopandas and streamlit to display local tree data in deckgl
Deploying machine learning models using Streamlit – An introductory guide to Model Deployment
Show your ML Project to the Internet in Minutes
Streamlit and spaCy: Create an App to Predict Sentiment and Word Similarities with Minimal Domain Knowledge
A finance strategy (CPPI), implemented on Streamlit/Python, deployed on AWS EC2
Diabetes Prediction ML Model in Python | Kaggle | Streamlit
Iris Species Prediction using K-Means Algorithm (Unsupervised ML)
Cloud Based Movie Recommender System with Streamlit and Kubernetes
Data Science Project for Beginners using Streamlit and PyCaret
Pycaret y Streamlit
Web App from Scratch with Streamlit - Part 1
Web App from Scratch with Streamlit - Part 2
Applied Health Informatics (AHI) Data Visualization - EC2 and Streamlit
Iris species classification using Decision Tree Classifier (Supervised ML)
Building an Interactive Front-End for Your Data Science Projects in Under an Hour - Part 1
Rapid Data Science with Streamlit and more - Daniel Einor
Data Applications with Streamlit
How to build a web application without any front-line coding
Simple yet powerful sales dashboard using Streamlit
Heroku and Streamlit Under the Hood
Jupyterで計算・分析した何かをアプリっぽくプレゼンするまで - 33分4秒ではじめるStreamlit「雑」入門
Make interactive web app with streamlit and RDKit
Science and Tech
NLP & Language
Mordecai geoparsing (v2)
Persian poetry Ngram Viewer
Natural Language Interface for pandas
sentiment analysis
text generation
Periodic Table of NLP tasks
text summarization app
Sentiment analysis of tweets about US airlines
Text Summarization using Transformer Models
The Climate Change project