🚀 Attended Snowflake North Star Conference: A Journey of Learning and Innovation!

Hey Streamlit Community! :star2:

On Saturday, June 29th, my friend Kiran and I had the incredible opportunity to attend the Snowflake North Star Conference. As students, it was an unforgettable experience for us! The conference featured a multitude of sessions, but we were particularly captivated by those focused on RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) implementation using Snowflake’s new LLM, Arctic. :snowflake:

The insights we gained from these sessions were invaluable, especially the morning session by Taikin Gate, which inspired us to create something special for the evening Streamlit bonanza. We built a prototype chatbot designed to help UPSC students prepare for their exams. :books:

For this prototype, we leveraged knowledge from our friends who are currently studying for the UPSC, focusing on Modern Indian History. I’m thrilled to share the demo with you all below! Please have a look and share any valuable feedback and comments. :raised_hands:

Key Strengths of Our Chatbot:

  • Shared Memory (Like ChatGPT)
  • Snowflake’s Brand New LLM Arctic (Cortex LLM Function)
  • Clear History

Unfortunately, we didn’t win the competition. However, the journey of building this project taught us so much. Remember, losing doesn’t mean you’re a failure; it’s a stepping stone to success. :star2:

To our surprise, an industry professional who saw our project (UPSC Modern Indian History WhatsApp Bot) gave us a fantastic referral and even offered us freelancing opportunities! This experience highlighted that attending conferences not only expands our knowledge and treats us to amazing food :joy: but also opens doors to incredible networking opportunities and referrals. :fire:

Thank you once again to Snowflake and Streamlit for hosting such an amazing conference. :star2:

Check out the demo and let us know what you think!

App Link (Required Snowflake Account…!)

Checkout the demo on LinkedIn Post

@Caroline @dataprofessor @mathcatsand @tonykip @andfanilo @Jessica_Smith


Hi @Guna_Sekhar_Venkata

Thanks for sharing your positive experience and glad to hear how it’s helpful. Also congrats on the freelance opportunity.


Woo! So glad you were able to attend @Guna_Sekhar_Venkata. :star_struck: Thanks for sharing your project and experience.

Hey @dataprofessor . I’m requesting you to play with the app in your free time and provide any valuable suggestions and feedback on it.

Hey @Jessica_Smith . I’m requesting you to play with the app in your free time and provide any valuable suggestions and feedback on it.