Blank screen on ios devices

Hello everyone!

Apologies if my questions is not new. I have googled a lot but I couldn’t find even a clue.

I’m getting a blank screen in my deployed streamlit app over iOS devices. IPhone 5s, for example. It is very hard to debug that because I even got a error massage. Ok for Android and PC.

The app is pretty simple. Just show a table from a filtered pandas data frame. Nothing special.

What I have done:

  • downgraded streamlit version to the oldest possible;
  • installed dependencies from pip;
  • installed dependencies from conda
  • deployed on share.streamlit
  • deployed on heroku

The strange thing is that i’m facing the same issue when try to see even the app from galery on

After days withou a single clue I decide to came an ask for you help. :slight_smile:

Kind regards
Clerisson Nascimento.


Have you solved this problem? I’m have The same issue…

I’m sorry, not even a clue yet. Ir you find anything please let me know. :slight_smile:

Hey Clerisson!

(probably you are brazilian, right? haha)

To me, the issue was because IOS devices redirected the Streamlit website to another port (compatible with the Safari). It was solved by setting the usual port to 8501.

That’s essentially simple: you have to create a directory in your github, called “.streamlit” and include a file called “config.toml”, by typing:

port = 8501

If you have any doubt, feel free to contact me on linkedin!