Blank web page

Streamlit, version 1.37.1
Python 3.12.5

Just have these two lines of code
import streamlit as st
st.title(“Hello, World!”)

Wasted lot of time, restaeted the machine, clear the browser cache, uninstall and install streamlit. What I am missing? Thanks for your help

Hey @Rafat Thank you so much and welcome to the community.

I’ll assume you are using Streamlit properly and you run streamlit app as

streamlit run

I have two curiosities:

  1. What browser version are you using? We do have a browser rule saying we support the last two versions of a browser. Oftentimes, this works great except for Safari which users need to manually upgrade.

  2. If the browser is not the issue, I would suspect some error is happening in the frontend. You can use Chrome and open the dev tools And click on the Console tab. Usually any errors are in red and can help us identify what is the issue.

Let us know if that helps or if there’s any new information.

Thanks for the quick reply. I tried both Chrome and Edge.

  1. Both are latest, up to date.
  2. No Error message in Console too.

I remember, when i run the application for the first time, python wanted to access and open the firewall. Which i cannot do at the time and then later i never get prompted about it. Wondering if it has to do with it.

I am a big fan of streamlit had many applications built, but this error is stumping me and I don’t want to abandon it for this error and look for an alternative.

Appreciate the help of community here.

Not going to lie, I am stumped here.

My first reaction was noticing the is not saved, so I’ll ask the silly questions. Is the file saved? And we are loading from the right directory? I would expect some error to pop up somewhere.

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I seemed to recall this blank page issue popped up when I started importing DeclarativeBase models. I wasn’t getting any error messages.

I then noticed In my file I was mixing up using the imported class (BusinessLine) and then creating a variable using the tablename (“business_line”)…both referring to the same object but “different”.

I elected to just use the class name and seems to be working but thought I’d share my experience with class vs string(“business_line”). I do have an expander with a container and multiple columns.

I’m trying to build an app using StreamlitAlchemyMixin and use Edge as browser. Current on most of versions.

Same problem here, saving the file helped me. forgot to save :skull: