Celebrating World Emoji Day with an AI-powered emoji search app πŸ₯³

Hello Streamlit community,

Today, July 17th :date: is internationally recognized as the World Emoji Day :tada:

To celebrate this special day, I’m happy to share my most recent project: Emojeez :gem:, an AI-powered semantic search engine for emojis! :sparkles:

With support for over 50 languages :earth_africa:, Emojeez :gem: uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques and embedding-based semantic search to help you discover the emoji you need to communicate your message :mega:

Try Emojeez :gem: live Streamlit demo :point_right: https://emojeez.streamlit.app/

Emojeez :gem: was developed using open-source solutions :unlock:

:white_check_mark: :infinity: Meta AI Llama 3 LLM for generating rich emoji descriptions
:white_check_mark: :hugs: Hugging Face Transformer library for embedding models
:white_check_mark: :man_astronaut:t2: Qdrant vector database for efficient indexing and retrieval
:white_check_mark: :pushpin: Streamlit for building the web app demo

Code on GitHub :snake: https://github.com/badrex/emojeez/
Article on Medium :scroll: Semantic search for Emojis in 50+ languages using AI πŸ˜ŠπŸŒπŸš€ | by Badr Alabsi | Jul, 2024 | Medium

:tada: Happy World Emoji Day! :tada:

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