Complete function execution even without cache decorator

I’m trying to implement an image uploader as below in a standalone page. But on every radio selection irrespective if the image is available or not, the page/function is run fully.

def load_page():
    image = get_image()
    if image:
        st.image(image.astype(np.uint8),caption=['Resized Image'], width=150)

def get_image():
     Displays radio options to upload images either from url or local machine
         Image numpy array
    options = ['url', 'local machine']
    upload ="Upload image from", options, index=0)
    if upload == options[0]:
        url = st.text_input('Enter url')
        if url:
            image = utils.url_to_image(url)
            return image
    elif upload == options[1]:
        file_buffer = st.file_uploader("Upload image", type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"])
        if file_buffer:
            # to PIL image obj and to np array for easy processing
            image = np.array(
            return image

My question is how do I wait till I get an image and then execute st.write(‘Done’).

Screencast :

You can see that Image being present even before image is read.!


May be to cache the function(?), but I’ve not used cache decorator.

Would appreciate any pointers or insights


Hi @hemanth346 and welcome to the forums :slight_smile:

As you understood, the file is being rerun in its entirety every time you interact with it (change in the file or interacting with widgets).

In the load_page() function, the if image: part only runs when get_image() returns something to display, so you can put st.write('Done') inside that block to show it only when the image is being loaded for display, like in the following :

def load_page(): 
    image = get_image() 
    if image: 
        st.image(image.astype(np.uint8),caption=['Resized Image'], width=150) 
        st.write('Done') # <-- moved the "Done" write inside the image done loading block

You can also put that st.write('Done') before the return image inside get_image(). If you are not sure of the order in which you write on the webapp page, you can use st.empty to put a placeholder where you can write the Done message at the end of load_message(), you can see that in the get started page.

Thank you @andfanilo

I don’t want to use st.write('Done') that is an example I’ve taken. I want to run few functions on top of the image I’ve got. The only way is to use it inside the condition.?

How can I call a function from st.empty() place holder?

Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

Hi @hemanth346,
I believe you can just replace st.write('Done') with some processing functions. For example, to created a derived image and show it on the screen.

def load_page(): 
    image = get_image() 
    if image: 
        st.image(image.astype(np.uint8),caption=['Resized Image'], width=150) 
        derived_image = process(image)
        st.image(derived_image.astype(np.uint8),caption=['Resized Image'], width=150)

Feel free to add some more details, so I can help you more.
