CONFUSING error using webrtc and streamlit together!

hey yall!

trying to deploy my web app that uses webrtc from @whitphx 's creation and running into several issues. my web app is ( and everytime i access the webcam it’s always on a loading screen.

it works fine on local host, except i tried it on and it gave me a Error: navigator.mediaDevices is undefined. It seems the current document is not loaded securely.

going on the webrtc-streamlit docs (GitHub - whitphx/streamlit-webrtc: Real-time video and audio streams over the network, with Streamlit.), it says to deploy the web app using Streamlit community cloud to fix this issue, which I’ve already done. just want to find a way to access the user’s webcam.

any thoughts?

Hey @Fatimah_Hussain,

Are you still seeing this issue? I was able to access my computer’s webcam with your app (ignore the star hiding my face :joy:)

Hey! Thanks for testing it out! Yeah for some reason it still shows me the loading screen, but apparently on some computers it works just fine? My firewall is off as well so I’m not sure why it doesn’t work on my personal computer.

Hi @Fatimah_Hussain ,

Once clear the cookies & check camera permissions & try again.

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