Streamlit webcam is not working on streamlit cloud but on local network

I want to use the streamlit-webrtc and it works perfectly fine on my local network but as soon as I start it on the streamlit cloud it opens a video frame and after pressing the start button it loads forever, then showing a black screen and closes again. But I don’t get any Error message.

and I’ve added a file to try out the webcam but it’s the same problem. It works on the local network but not on the streamlit cloud

my gihub repo is GitHub - sophiaia04/blublub and the main code is on the master branch

hi @Sophia make sure that the version of streamlit-webrtc you are using is compatible with the version of Streamlit on Streamlit Cloud. Sometimes, there could be compatibility issues between different package versions.

hey hi ! you can refer this docs

or may be check this repo out we support you community !