Deploy Streamlit on Azure Web App (with SSO auth, GitHub Actions CI/CD and Azure OpenAI)


:cloud: Sharing here this video on how to deploy a Streamlit LLM app on Microsoft Azure with:

:desktop_computer: Azure App Service Plan + Azure Web App (using the free tier :money_mouth_face:)
:closed_lock_with_key: SSO Authentication from Entra ID
:gear: GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline
:robot: RAG and LLMs from the Azure OpenAI Service and LangChain
:earth_africa: Chose the Region where you deploy the Web and the AI models

We can run everything inside Europe and Microsoft Azure for example, so our data doesn’t go to other regions nor third parties (not even OpenAI, just Microsoft :exploding_head:).

Code: GitHub - enricd/rag_llm_app
Blog: Program a RAG LLM Chat App with LangChain + Streamlit + *o1, GTP-4o and Claude 3.5 | by Enric Domingo | Sep, 2024 | Medium