Discord + Discourse Integration

So I just saw a topic created that had a Discord link at the top. After I replied, I immediately went over to Discord to see if I could find it and if it would post replies back to Discord. I couldnā€™t fine the post search by title or text contents, so not sure if there is a hidden channel or if it is something else entirely. Is this a new thing that will be announced soon?

The Discord link appears associated to the post not the user. And I didnā€™t see anything obvious in user preferences that would explain it. But now Iā€™m curious.


Hey @mathcatsand, not sure why thereā€™s a Discord link on that post. It seems to link to the server in general rather than a specific post. Iā€™ve removed the link from the post.

I think I found the explanation on Discourseā€™s own forum: If you paste a link into a topic title, you get that style of link rendered. I havenā€™t tried it though, since I donā€™t want to spam.

But still, a bot to sync between the forum and Discord (forum channels-just topics created on Discord) would be nice since the forum has a much larger followingā€¦ Maybe a bit overkill, though. :grin:


That would indeed be awesome! It would solve the archival and historical record issue with Discord. One of the many +ves of the forum is that it is publicly indexed and searchable for years to come. Having some form of syncing with Discord that isnā€™t spammy would be nice to have.

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