Display a map by retrieving the data with an api

I would like to display a map on STREAMLIT by retrieving the data with an api.

I want to use the following result (it gives me the districts for a city in France) : https://public.opendatasoft.com/api/records/1.0/search/?dataset=georef-france-iris-millesime&q=Lille&sort=year&facet=year&facet=reg_name&facet=dep_name&facet=arrdep_name&facet=ze2020_name&facet=bv2012_name&facet=epci_name&facet=ept_name&facet=com_name&facet=com_arm_name&facet=iris_name&facet=iris_area_code&facet=iris_type&refine.year=2020&refine.com_name=Lille

I try to have this (a geojson) :

POLYGON ((3.069402968274157 50.63987328751279, 3.069467907250858 50.63988940474122,...)

but i have this :

coordinates": [

I’m looking for but have no idea how to get the data to be recognized to create a map. Do you have any advice on how to convert the result of the api into geojson ? Thanks for your help !

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